Elevador de colunas TyreON TL75W-4 30T novo

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Contactos do vendedor

TyreON hydraulic wireless mobile truck lifts - Vehicle lifts
The TyreON TL75W-4 30T cable free mobile column lift makes lifting operations simple.
With no interconnecting cables, the hydraulic TL75W is made to be easily manoeuvred around the workshop and is a perfect lift for trucks, commercial vehicles, buses, coaches, skiploaders, waste & recycling vehicles, SUV's and everything in between.
The TL75W-4 30T, with a capacity of 7,5 Tonne per column, is charged from a 230V wall socket and comes with adjustable forks for lifting vehicles with smaller wheels.
TyreON Heavy truck lifts - Features
Wireless, battery powered
No interconnecting cables - avoiding slips, trips and falls
Inverted hydraulic cylinder lifting system
Simple operation, LCD display on each column
7,500 kg / 7,5 Tonne lifting capacity per column
Radio synchronisation and communication between columns
Can be connected in 2, 4, 6, up to 16 column configuration to suit a variety of requirements
Requires a 230V / 1 Phase power supply for charging
Large number of lifting cycles between charges (25 x Up / Down)
Adjustable forks for different wheel sizes 38 - 115,6 cm
A 1-year warranty for companies on all parts, a 2-year warranty for private users
Operating manual (english)
Filled with hydraulic oil, fully tested, ready for use upon arrival / collection
Main chraracteristics - Commercial truck lift
Total Capacity 30 Tonne
Mobile Columns 4
Lifting range 0 - 180 cm
Operation 24V DC / Electric-hydraulic
Hydraulic pump unit 3 kW / 24V DC per column
Each column with 2 batteries / 24V DC and a battery charger with 230V power supply
Adjustable width between the forks 25 - 85 cm
Lifting time up to highest point <= 90 sec.
Lifting speed - average <= 1,9 cm / sec
1 portable truck hoist packed L140 x W115 x H225 cm - 680 kg
Safety hook every 3,5 cm
Hydraulic check valves
Auto-stop at 30 cm
A pressure valve prevents damage to the cylinder, pump, or construction if the load is too heavy
Main swich, safety-stop and optical and acoustic warning signals on all columns
Self-calibration and self-diagnosis error-code system
All lifts stop immediately if a height-difference of 5 cm or any failure is detected
TÜV - CE (EN1493) approved / IP54 electrical enclosure
Pick up - Delivery information
Contact us for our most competitive shipping rate to your address or worldwide.
You can also arrange the collection from the Netherlands yourself.
The sales and warehouse are open daily.
Buy directly from the manufacturer, short communication, competitive pricing and delivery anywhere in Europe within a few days. Sales and shipment straight from our office and warehouse in Akersloot (Netherlands), 20 minutes from Amsterdam.
No VAT included to advertised price
EU Companies with a valid VAT number and companies outside the EU will be invoiced with the price + 0% VAT.
TyreON hydraulic wireless mobile truck lifts - Vehicle lifts
The TyreON TL75W-4 30T cable free mobile column lift makes lifting operations simple.
With no interconnecting cables, the hydraulic TL75W is made to be easily manoeuvred around the workshop and is a perfect lift for trucks, commercial vehicles, buses, coaches, skiploaders, waste & recycling vehicles, SUV's and everything in between.
The TL75W-4 30T, with a capacity of 7,5 Tonne per column, is charged from a 230V wall socket and comes with adjustable forks for lifting vehicles with smaller wheels.
TyreON Heavy truck lifts - Features
Wireless, battery powered
No interconnecting cables - avoiding slips, trips and falls
Inverted hydraulic cylinder lifting system
Simple operation, LCD display on each column
7,500 kg / 7,5 Tonne lifting capacity per column
Radio synchronisation and communication between columns
Can be connected in 2, 4, 6, up to 16 column configuration to suit a variety of requirements
Requires a 230V / 1 Phase power supply for charging
Large number of lifting cycles between charges (25 x Up / Down)
Adjustable forks for different wheel sizes 38 - 115,6 cm
A 1-year warranty for companies on all parts, a 2-year warranty for private users
Operating manual (english)
Filled with hydraulic oil, fully tested, ready for use upon arrival / collection
Main chraracteristics - Commercial truck lift
Total Capacity 30 Tonne
Mobile Columns 4
Lifting range 0 - 180 cm
Operation 24V DC / Electric-hydraulic
Hydraulic pump unit 3 kW / 24V DC per column
Each column with 2 batteries / 24V DC and a battery charger with 230V power supply
Adjustable width between the forks 25 - 85 cm
Lifting time up to highest point <= 90 sec.
Lifting speed - average <= 1,9 cm / sec
1 portable truck hoist packed L140 x W115 x H225 cm - 680 kg
Safety hook every 3,5 cm
Hydraulic check valves
Auto-stop at 30 cm
A pressure valve prevents damage to the cylinder, pump, or construction if the load is too heavy
Main swich, safety-stop and optical and acoustic warning signals on all columns
Self-calibration and self-diagnosis error-code system
All lifts stop immediately if a height-difference of 5 cm or any failure is detected
TÜV - CE (EN1493) approved / IP54 electrical enclosure
Pick up - Delivery information
Contact us for our most competitive shipping rate to your address or worldwide.
You can also arrange the collection from the Netherlands yourself.
The sales and warehouse are open daily.
Buy directly from the manufacturer, short communication, competitive pricing and delivery anywhere in Europe within a few days. Sales and shipment straight from our office and warehouse in Akersloot (Netherlands), 20 minutes from Amsterdam.
No VAT included to advertised price
EU Companies with a valid VAT number and companies outside the EU will be invoiced with the price + 0% VAT.
The price is excluding VAT and delivery costs.